Corporate Finance
Business Valuations
Mergers & Acquisitions

United States • Europe • Asia

Business Valuations

Windeye Partners provides valuation services to companies, family offices, investment funds, business owners and entrepreneurs in the United States and internationally, for situations and needs such as:

• Sale of business or acquisition Read More →
• Capital raising Read More →
• Sale of a minority interest in business Read More →
• Private equity and debt security valuation Read More →
• Buy-Sell provisions in shareholder or partnership agreements
• Option & stock incentive plans (IRC 409A) Read More →
• Stock incentive compensation financial reporting (ASC 718) Read More →
• Purchase price allocation and intangible asset Fair Value (ASC 805)
• Private & complex securities for financial reporting (ASC 820)
• Gift and estate tax Read More →
• Intellectual property Read More →
• U.S. investor visas (E-2) Read More →
• Retirement planning
• Insurance planning
• Litigation Support Read More →

Windeye Partners has experience with valuations in a wide range of industries and with large as well as small companies.

The valuation practice of Windeye Partners is led by Michael Guthammar, a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) with more than 20 years of experience. To discuss your business valuation needs please contact him at telephone (929) 223-2935 or email

We follow the valuation standards set by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts. Any Conclusion of Value or Calculated Value report will be subject to the minimum requirements of the NACVA standards.

Our Clients

Our valuation services clients include privately held companies, business owners, venture capital and private equity backed companies, family offices, and investment funds. While we cannot share client names here for confidentiality reasons, we can disclose that the investors in our clients include groups such as:

500 Startups
Greylock Partners
Signia Venture Partners
Social Leverage
Alchemist Accelerator
IDG Ventures
Susquehanna Ventures
Arsenal Venture Partners
SV Latam Capital
Aspect Ventures
Khosla Ventures
Bain Capital
Triage Ventures
Neue Fund
Valor Ventures
Correlation Ventures
Wasson Enterprise
Y Combinator
Florida Opportunity Fund
Zelkova Ventures

Our Industry Experience

Windeye Partners has valuation experience in numerous industries including the following:

Software & Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
Media & Publishing
Healthcare & Medical Services
Internet & Web Services
Medical Devices
Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Digital Assets
Industrial Products
Sporting Goods & Outdoor Products
Plastics & Rubber
Food & Beverages
Beauty Care
Building Products
Luxury Goods
Business Services

Valuation Approaches

Business valuations are generally based on analyzing the value of assets and liabilities, income and market value as described below.

Asset Based Approach

The asset based approach to valuation involves an analysis of the economic worth of a company's tangible and intangible, recorded and unrecorded assets in excess of its outstanding liabilities. This approach is important to consider for holding companies and other asset rich companies, but should also be considered for companies with poor financial performance. The Asset Based Approach is most commonly applied through the Adjusted Net Assets Method. This method values a business based on the difference between the fair market value of the business assets and its liabilities. The book value of all assets, both tangible and intangible, are adjusted to their fair market value (typically measured as replacement or liquidation value) and then the total adjusted value is reduced by the fair market value of all recorded and unrecorded liabilities.

Income Approach

The income approach involves determining a value based on the anticipated future benefits, i.e. profits or cash flow, from the business. This approach therefore typically analyzes the historical profits or cash flow of the business and/or its projected future performance. Commonly used methods under the Income Approach are Capitalized Earnings and Discounted Cash Flow.

Market Approach

The concept behind the market approach is that the value of a business can be determined by reference to reasonably comparable guideline companies for which transaction values are known. The values may be known because these companies are publicly traded or because they were recently sold and the terms of the transactions were disclosed. Commonly used methods under the Market Approach are Guideline Public Companies, Private Company Transactions, Prior (Actual) Transactions, and Guideline Venture Funding.